New Year 🎉
🎯Kickstart your 2023 Business Goals By Selling To Boutique Stores
Happy New Year! Or as we say in French “Bonne Anne”
Thank you for believing in us and the Craftmerce idea and also trusting us with your business.
As it’s been on the news there will be a great recession in 2023, and as a small business, this could be very daunting and scary.
At Craftmerce we are taking a different approach to support small businesses with tools, and resources to help you scale and grow your business not just wholesale.
We are taking a community approach by giving you resources and tools like
Experts Q n A ( Brands, Retailers, Boutiques)
Weekly Office Hours
1:1 sessions to help grow your business, answer questions you have via scaling internationally, fulfillment,pricing, edit email pitch and line sheet etc.
Send out retailers' details weekly, including their categories, email addresses, shop addresses, and country.
Most of the community will be hosted on our facebook group.
Please join the community via this link- Join Community
Also, follow us on Instagram - Craftmerce Instagram
I look forward to us growing this community, and helping meet and surpass your 2023 business goals.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out by replying via email.
Cynthia Asije
Cofounder/CEO Craftmerce